Health & Safety

OHSAS 18001:2007 Health & Safety Management System

More than 150 million work accidents happen every year throughout the whole world and more than 100.000 workers have lost their lives or their ability to work.
The increase in work accidents is related to a series of negative outcomes such as loss of human lives, high insurance cost, lost working hours e.t.c. Therefore, the need for prevention of work accidents has turned into necessity and urgent social duty.

The OHSAS 18001 Standard, sets the requirements for a health and safety management system in working places, so as an organization can control any H&S hazards and improve its performance. The Standard does not set specific performance criteria neither detailed guidance for planning a management system.

The requirements of the Standard OHSAS 18001 can be applied to any organization that wishes to:
·    Establish a Health & Safety Management System in order to minimize or eliminate hazards related to employees and other interested parties that are related the organization’s activities and may be exposed to hazards.
·    Implement and improve a Health & Safety Management System.
·    Ensure the internal compliance to the company’s Policy.
·    Communicate this compliance to external interested parties.
·    Seek certification for a Health & Safety Management System

Certification of a Health & Safety Management System offers many benefits for the certified company such as:
·    Reduced hazards for employees, customers and suppliers
·    Reduced cost related to accidents at work
·    Boosted employee moral
·    Legislation compliance
·    Reduced insurance cost
·    Strategic advantage against the competitors

Health & Safety

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